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The Butterfly Norn


   Male Butterfly norn  &  female Butterfly norn


Created by Mor Eshel and myself between 12th Feb 2000 and early-march, the Butterfly norns are our main Creatures 2 breed. Mor incorporated her fabulous new super-aging gene into the Butterfly norn's genetics so they would reach adulthood quickly and breed rapidly, and I produced the graphics/sprites and attachment files and added gift of flight and highly breedable colours. The Butterfly norns were updated to version 3 on the 7th Jan 2003, which included my experimental phoenix gene and improved graphics.



Post Download Instructions


You will need use the Advanced Hatchery to select to have all four Butterfly Norn eggs available.  All four eggs should be hatched for maximum effect, included are:
male and female eggs for 'super-aging' adult Butterfly norns and also
male and female eggs for 'phoenix' Butterfly norns that enjoy a short, cute youth stage.



Multicoloured Norn Packs


Butterfly norn Pack 1 | Butterfly norn Pack 2 | Butterfly norn Pack 3 | Neon Butterfly norns


Following the initial release of the Butterfly norn I produced a set of adoption packs in many different colours - as shown above - to increase diversity in your Creatures worlds, including the rare neon variety.



Quick Care Tips


Tip 1 -- If your butterfly norn is looking down a breeding booster injection from the science kit will make them laugh again.



Copyright © 2005 Don